press seltzer Drinks

PRESS launched its premium alcohol seltzer beverage in four flavors: Pomegranate Ginger, Blackberry Hibiscus, Grapefruit Cardamom and Lime Lemongrass.

PRESS launched its premium alcohol seltzer beverage in four flavors: Pomegranate Ginger, Blackberry Hibiscus,
Grapefruit Cardamom and Lime Lemongrass.
Amy developed the first PRESS flavor profiles in her kitchen, brewing up sophisticated flavor combinations
inspired by her global culinary explorations. She had three no-compromise goals. First, the seltzer had to be
delicious. Second, the flavor profiles had to be sophisticated. Finally, for fans committed to responsible sipping,
it had to be low ABV. When she brought PRESS to market, the hard seltzer category was non-existent.
Naysayers only fueled Amy’s determination to market her premium seltzer.

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