Roberto Cavalli Vodka is produced using the finest quality grain and the alcohol is carefully distilled until it achieves a perfect taste. Roberto Cavalli Vodka is elegant and sophisticated.
Roberto Cavalli Vodka is produced using the finest quality grain and the alcohol is carefully distilled until it
achieves a perfect taste. Roberto Cavalli Vodka is elegant and sophisticated. Roberto Cavalli Vodka is the first
vodka entirely produced in Italy’s respected distillery’s,Francoli, famous for their grappas, where it is made from
the purest water of the Monta Rosa slopes and is fitlered through flakes of Italian Carrara marble. It is inspired
and dedicated to the sexy woman who is the iconic, eternal muse for Cavalli style.
More Information
Size 700ml
Strength (ABV) $40%
Brand Roberto Cavalli
Presentation GLASS BOTTLE
Country Italy
Vodka Type Pure
Limited Edition No
Organic No
Gluten Free No
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